We aspire to cultivate an environment that nurtures spiritual growth, encourages the exploration of faith, and fosters a deeper understanding of God’s teachings.

Through engaging programs, supportive fellowship, and impactful outreach, we aim to guide both the young and the seasoned in their spiritual journey, helping them to grow in wisdom, love, and commitment to Christ’s teachings.

Our ultimate goal is to see lives changed, hearts renewed, and a vibrant community united in faith and purpose, radiating the light of Christ in every action and interaction.


To see both young and old come to know Jesus and grow in him.


To spread the truth of God’s word, share the love of Christ and shine His light for all to see, by creating experiences that spark genuine interest in knowing God, serving Him and maturing in Him.


1 Peter 2:9 TPT

  • Godliness
  • Integrity
  • Mutual Respect
  • Excellence



In the tapestry of life, we’ve noticed a common thread—a void that transcends the barriers of age, education, marital status, financial success, and societal standing. This emptiness, untouched by wealth, status or career achievements, can only be filled by one force: GOD.

In the pursuit of filling a profound void, numerous young individuals often find themselves searching for meaning in misguided avenues, resulting in a concerning rise in drug abuse, alcoholism, and other detrimental vices. This alarming trend contributes significantly to the escalating addiction rates, soaring depression statistics, and the unfortunate surge in suicide cases, particularly in Saskatchewan and across Canada. At For Kingdom and Light Ministries, we recognize the urgent need to address these challenges by introducing a transformative approach rooted in our mission to illuminate the path to true meaning and purpose by introducing people to Jesus.

In a world that often measures success by external standards, we recognize that genuine fulfillment comes from a deeper source. Jesus stands as the bridge to a profound and transformative connection, capable of filling the void that no worldly achievement can satisfy.

A core mission for F-KAL is to bring people into an atmosphere where the transformative power of worship music combined with love, compassion and definitive action become a conduit for healing and change, resulting in individuals regardless of their age, gender, or emotional state, becoming beacons of hope and purpose and radiating positivity throughout their communities. Our vision is to illuminate the path to true meaning and purpose by introducing people to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

In the past 2 years, we have organized free worship revival meetings themed “A Worship Experience”. These events are for people of all ages and backgrounds, and we have recorded a growth in attendance from about 30 to 50 participants in the first year to over 350 participants in the second year and we are currently making plans for another one coming up in the summer of this year.

At For Kingdom and Light Ministries, we believe that by introducing people to Jesus, He can fill the void that nothing else in this world can. Together, let’s embark on a journey of transformation, as lives find purpose, meaning, and a connection that goes beyond the surface of our earthly existence.


We firmly believe that when individuals open their hearts to Jesus and allow Him to fill the void within, the ripple effects are profound. Lives transformed by the love of Christ become beacons of purpose, radiating positivity throughout their communities. At For Kingdom and Light Ministries, we envision a world where the embrace of Jesus leads to purposeful living, reducing vices, and diminishing the grip of addiction, depression, suicidal thoughts and tendencies.

As the void is replaced by a deep and abiding connection with God, individuals discover a renewed sense of purpose that goes beyond personal fulfillment. They become catalysts for positive change, impacting their communities in ways that extend far beyond their own lives. With hope rekindled and a newfound sense of direction, the trajectory of their future changes.

In this vision, communities thrive as the bonds of faith inspire acts of kindness, compassion, and service. The very fabric of society is woven with threads of love and understanding, diminishing the prevalence of vices that stem from despair. Addiction and depression rates decline as individuals find solace in a purpose greater than themselves.

At For Kingdom and Light Ministries, we are not just fostering personal transformation; we are nurturing a movement for collective well-being. Together, let’s pave the way for a world where every individual, filled with the love of Christ, contributes to a positive and purpose-driven community, creating a legacy that echoes through generations.


In the heart of our mission lies the transformative power of worship music. We believe that music is a universal language, a melody that resonates with every soul, transcending the boundaries of age, gender, and emotional state. At For Kingdom and Light Ministries, we harness this power to create meaningful experiences that go beyond mere notes and rhythms.

Imagine a place where the healing notes of a melody reach the depths of a grieving heart, where the uplifting tunes breathe life into the weary and broken. We organize music revival meetings, not just as events, but as moments of spiritual connection and renewal. In these gatherings, the air is charged with the harmonies of hope, love, and faith. For the worship event’s we’ve held, we have received feedback from participants stating that these worship programs positively impacted their lives and brought an atmosphere of peace to them. For many, it created a reawakening and for some it brought peace and calm to their troubled souls while for others, it was a call to purpose.

Our mission is to create an atmosphere where the language of music becomes a conduit for the divine. Whether you are in a season of joy or mourning, feeling lost or found, our music seeks to speak directly to your soul. Through these encounters, we aim to spark a genuine interest in knowing God, serving Him, and maturing in faith.

F-KAL is also deeply passionate about the underserved and often overlooked people in the community, including senior citizens and the poor and homeless.

Senior Citizens Support Initiatives: We are deeply passionate about connecting with our senior
citizens, a demographic often overlooked and left to face the shadows of loneliness, yearning for
companionship, and understanding. This cause resonates with me on a personal level, as I’ve
witnessed the profound impact meaningful connections can have on their well-being. We plan to create programs to address their specific needs such as social activities, companionship programs, and assistance with daily tasks.

Community Outreach Programs: What about the plight of the poor and homeless in our
community. These are individuals who are often marginalized and discriminated against. Many of
them find themselves in a cycle of hardship, grappling with life’s challenges without a stable
support system. It’s disheartening to witness the struggles they face, leading some to seek solace
in harmful habits like drug addiction. As a society, we must extend a compassionate hand to those who have fallen through the cracks, offering not just rehabilitation programs but also genuine care and concern and that’s where For Kingdom and Light Ministries comes in. We plan to organize outreach events that provide basic necessities such as food, clothing, and hygiene items to the poor and homeless

Interfaith and Community Collaboration: Collaborate with local religious and community organizations to maximize impact and create a united front in addressing community needs.